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Teaching Practice

Visual Art for the Classroom

VAC 3D Construction

Using ‘Card Cobbler’ as a theme we were asked to construct a 3Dimentional shoe using cardboard. The visual research for this project consisted of a range of drawing of my primary source ( a sandal ), including observational, blind, continuous line and tonal drawings. We were to play close reference to the support artists Michael Craig Martin and Chris Gilmour. The development stage consisted of idea generation drawings and analytical drawing of my shoe.

VAC Graphic Design

We were asked to design and produce an A3+ poster that incorporates image and type to highlight the dynamic range and diversity of Dublin’s architectural heritage. The graphic solution must take its cue from the visual elements characteristic of the work of Saul Bass and be executed using cut or torn coloured paper.

Typography specification; Consider at least two levels of text hierarchy.

VAC Digital Media

"The use of digital media to support learning is becoming more prevalent in today’s classrooms. In the art room, creative ideas are often conceived and expressed through digital means."

After initial presentations on Digital Photography and Photographic Composition, we were instructed to explore the environment beyond the college to identify the full set of letters of the alphabet; A – Z.

Each CAPITAL letter should be framed to occupy and fill a square format. =

alphabet D Seville.JPG
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